Thursday 14 July 2016

A Story behind Learning English

I have passed my HSC in 2013 and because of having weakness in English I couldn't obtain A+ in English subject. The same problem happened again and it had been a serious barrier of my success in University admission test. In 2013 I have participated in most of the renowned university admission tests but unfortunately I failed in English subject in every test. Though I have made good result in other subjects bt because of not passing in English I couldn't get chance in any university that year.
Bt inspite of not obtaining success because of having weakness in English I couldn't realise the urge of learning it properly to abate the weakness. Actually I became slightly frustrated that time. I almost give up all the connection with books and got used to raoming all the day and even at night outside of my home.
In 2014, once I was watching a cricket match of our BD team. Because of their bad performance I posted a status in my Fb wall and it was written in English.
the status was full of common mistakes. Seeing the status my elder brother who is graduated from DU got furious. He called and showed me the very common mistakes I have done in the status and he was also surprised that how a HSC passed boy could do such kind of common mistakes. He rebuked a lot and warned me that if I spoil my time at night in outside anymore he would beat me. I knew that it was just a warning and he would not do so but I became really serious from that day. He collected me a lot of Engliah learning materials for me and gave beneficial suggestions. I emphasised vastly on english than other subjects and my Enligh was developed rapidly than before Alhamdulillah. In 2014 I praticipated in admission test of DU and CU. In All the admission test I have obtained good result because of doing well in English. Tough my background was Business Study I didn't want to be a BBA graduated as it has been common today. My 1st traget was to get chance in International Relation in DU or CU as the demand, job field and standard of this subject is too high now.Now Alhamdulillah I'm studying in International Relation,University Of Chittagong.
This is just a personal story of my life. As this group is a platform of sharing anything I selected my personal story to share with you. I don't know how much I have developed in English but I try not to do mistake.
I often post English status in my FB wall and my brother doesn't find mistake now.LOL.

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