Saturday 16 July 2016

Learner Thinking about Learning English Group

I wanted to just clear my thought. besides I am not very comfortable of long writing. I wanted to give shape to my writing about helping each other for our own benefits by being active in this group
1. reading about all the post help us to increase our reading experience. if we read all the post we get various kind of in formation about many topic. we also get a good amount of inspiration. by reading you must feel burning to write something. which will help you increase the quality of writing & habit also. If you don't you can't comment. so read for your own sake.
2.writing is also play an important role in learning English. it is essential part In any language. as we know first step of writing is 10 comments in English every day. stars by 1 line then 2 line and go on further. comment at stretch 7 day then see the deference. Then you have to post. start posting about any topic. You can start by writing 5 to 10 sentences. By step by step you will be able to express your feelings in English. That's the most important part of writing. Try to post at least 1 post everyday. You will grow.
3. Inspiration is like taking bath. If you do 1 day in week. What will happen then? You will not be able to enjoy its benefit. Same here in inspiration. If you not motivated everyday. The power of motivation will not work. So be motivated everyday. Every active member should motivate each other. by commenting & cheering the writer of the post we can make a different.
Thanks for reading my boring post. All you can do is comment
So hurry up

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