Friday 15 July 2016

Health is Wealth - Learn English Group

Health is a very important thing in the life of everyone. Nothing is more important than health. Health and fitness is one of the best important thing in our life. Healthy and fit people really enjoy their life. An unhealthy person cannot enjoy his life. He/she cannot enjoy eating, watching sports or other things of the life.
It is truly said that health is wealth. To maintain good health we need to properly take care of our health. We have to eat healthy food everyday. We should eat green and fresh vegetables, milk, fresh fruits, egg, etc. Our body need sufficient amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins to be fit and healthy.
Not only healthy food we need to do physical exercise and maintain cleanliness in our home and locality. It is truly said by the Buddha about health and fitness that, “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”.
In this group all the member are doing a lots of hard work. Yes hard work is needed for our bright future. But I wanted to said that we should take proper rest also.

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