Monday 18 July 2016

Learn English With Confidence

if anyone ask me why this group is growing up rapidly, i would say lot of novice and old members are really full potential for learning English by sharing own experience, making a story, sharing a motivational speech and giving the direction how to improve our English skill .really it is great and pragmatic platform for those who are learning English as per his or her wish. Let’s turn on our eyes to the India, what we will see, there is lots of study manner are found in India in where a learner easily can pick up English languish for speaking as well as writing. We are lag behind of them. Day by day we are lagging behind of them, why is types of unwanted situation happening in our country each and every corners. Why we feel shame to speak English with others. I would say here is only one reason, when you speak something using English the people surrounding you , their first express against you and you English would be discouraging, 1. They will say oh are you speaking English.. 2. You are made in Bangladeshi, was born here and grew up in Bangladesh. 4. Do you want to forget you mother tongue which one taught you at first, 5. Why are you whispering by others language like a bilati dog. So don’t care to others people, especially who is giving obstacle to you and also giving lot of pain. Because do you know who say you are nothing for good, you cannot do it, you are useless fellow. They are people who are the failure person in this sector and also others sector. Don’t make quarrel that time because that time would be your turning point for preparing yourself. Just think it I can do it one day I will show you. Just take a decision and do it practice regularly
Now what you will do that time , best option for us spread up your energy and make high yourself like a mountain , make yourself as a determined person and say with your mind , one day I will show you

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