Friday 15 July 2016

Late Night Feeling Sharing in English

It's almost 3.30 am now as I write these words. The world around me seems to be sleeping a deep, unconscious sleep while I’m the one and only person still awake trying to busy myself writing these not-to-be-cared-for words, the purpose of which, to be honest, is completely unknown even to myself. I wonder, what makes me write all such stuff and nonsense at such a midnight sacrificing a good night’s sleep? I don’t know what. Maybe not everything happens for a reason, though many people may be of different opinions. Anyway, since by no means can I snatch away a few hours’ sleep tonight, it seems to be a good idea not to let this beautiful night go completely wasted, and hence the attempt of writing something. At least, I have finally been able to cook up a reason of the instant decision made by my mind, capricious and whimsical at the same time.
Where I am sitting now is at my desk adjacent to the window through which I can easily have a look on the world outside plunging into a dreadful silence. It’s only the familiar sound produced as a result of my pressing the buttons of the key-board that is distinctly audible. The dark sky resting above, the gentle breeze coming in through the window and all my messed-up thoughts crowding into the deepest corner of my mind appear to be powerful enough to make me feel the way I never felt before! And what occurs to me right at this moment is that my search for everything I’ve so long desired for has just come to an end, really! If I were a poet, then I would give it a try to portrait this wonderful night through some spontaneous verses, but alas, never in my life so far could I succeed in the attempt of producing even a single verse, let alone a whole poem. Just as not everything happens for a reason, so also not everybody can be a poet, don't you think so?

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