Thursday 14 July 2016

How to practice english in group

The most engaging thing about this group is that it permits you to write whatever runs through your mind. I am now going to make the most of this opportunity. Hopefully my reader, you that is, will be with me all through to the end. I won't be telling you anything that you may expect me to tell you; I will just keep writing at random.
With a barren, dried-up mind, it's almost impossible for me to write here on a daily basis. And of course I am very well aware of the fact that you guys don't really care for every little things I do here, do you? In such a fast moving world like the one we live in, you can't waste even a single second reading stuff you are hardly concerned with. How do you afford to waste time getting in touch with people who in actuality mean very little to you? What's the use of communicating with people who don't so much as have time to say hello to you outside this incredibly virtual, mechanical, and kind of weird world of Facebook?
Let me now shift my attention to something else. Let me talk about some people I treat as friends. A sudden twist of thought, nah ?
Well, I have some "friends" ---some particular ones--- who never, ever disturb themselves by making even a 30-sec phone call to me, but surprisingly enough, it is the same people who sometimes deliberately fake themselves when they come up with unexpected texts stating that they ''miss'' me a lot! I wonder whether or not they have coined a new, private meaning of the expression ''miss you''. And it seems, if it were not for Facebook, they would not probably be missing me like the way they occasionally do, thanks to this so called social networking site. Again when I write back to them as a response to their sudden outburst of such good feelings towards me, it usually happens that it takes an age for them to send a reply. They just make sure that they've 'seen' but not necessarily realized my words. Funny, right?
Despite what you say, this type of friends are in fact more of acquaintances than friends, and of course more of 'facebook friends' than 'friends'. They are people you can't expect to get along with for a long time. In course of time, you are bound to treat them as craps, no more important than people you consider to be bullshits! Such people NEVER deserve a place in your heart, and never can they be your friends. Friendship isn't an ordinary term, you know. The sooner you get rid of them, the better.

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